Dancin’ Machine

Posted inThe Daily Heller

By: Steven Heller | April 3, 2009

You may not know how to dance (that’s me) but you certainly can appreciate great design and photography. “Everybody Dance Now: 20 Years of Dancing in Print” is a exhibition of the incredible visual and performing arts magazines Dance Ink and 2wice, designed by Abbott Miller. The exhibition celebrates the magazines’ collaborations with dancers, choreographers,’ andphotographers on the unique “stage” of the printed page.

Dance Inkwas conceived by Patsy Tarr as an alternative performancespace; 2wice, its successor, continues inthis tradition using the medium of print toevoke the tactile, visual, and temporal qualities of performance.

The exhibition, which opens to the public today, is designed by Miller and is up at the AIGA National Design Center, 164 Fifth Avenue, from April 3 through May 15, (Monday-Thursday at 11-6 and Friday 11-5, at which time they all go out for a weekend of dancin’).

What gets you dancin’? Trip the light fantastic in the comments.