Obsessions: September 25th, 2009

Posted inObsessions
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Considering Spike Jonze’s rendition of Where the Wild Things Are is opening soon; and considering I’m going bananas waiting to see my favorite childhood story as a film; and considering the filmmakers themselves are posting their own amazing content, let’s see what other artists are doing to celebrate Sendak’s classic. This is Terrible Yellow Eyes, and it features work from artists invited to reinvent Max and his friends in their own way.

That scream you hear? It’s your web developer pulling her hair out because you just sent her a message that says, “My site looks wrong! Do you know why?” The answer is generally, “no, she doesn’t know why,” because you didn’t tell her anything about what you see. Supportdetails.com, a simple little tool, will add so many hours to developers’ lives by reducing rage. An end user visits the site and enters their developer’s email address. Presto: All the pertinent information about their computer system is sent, in a concise manner. If you’re squeamish about leaving e-mail addresses in public (I sure am; it’s the equivalent of seeing my name scrawled on a bathroom wall, not that that’s ever happened), you can also export the results as a CSV or PDF.

Oh, food stylists, you make our world so much more appetizing. Food in Real Life proves that by comparing professionally styled shots with candid pictures of food products. I’d like to point out that nobody’s posted a picture of a gorgeous apple followed by a candid shot proving what a ripoff that is. Only manufactured food needs this much photographic help to make it look edible.

iPhone people! Do you need to dazzle your clients by sitting right there with them and selecting a perfect Pantone palette in front of their very eyes? Um, yeah, everyone does. Now you can do just that on your iPhone with Pantone’s myPantone application. Using this handy app, you can choose palettes, extract them from images, save them to the myPantone site, annotate them with notes and voice, and (of course) post them to Twitter or Facebook.

This clever bit of info-porn shows us what Beethoven’s Fifth looks like when visually represented by a color-coded bar graph in which each instrument is a different color, lit white when a note is played. At the developer’s site, you can see several videos from famous composers presented beside each other, get DVDs of the videos, and download iterations of the software for yourself.