Ooh, Foxy Logo

Posted inThe Daily Heller
Thumbnail for Ooh, Foxy Logo
logo of the Nuclear Security Summit

Those tireless investigators at Fox News have foiled yet another Obama logo plot. I’m not talking about the dastardly Obama O controversy (that’s old news); I’m referring to a new plot to invade our already malleable subconscious with positive Muslim symbols conveyed through the sly (like a fox) logo of the Nuclear Security Summit (above), which is designed, says Fox, with an Islamic crescent to make Muslims like the U.S. more (huh?). Watch this report for more on Fox’s hot news flash.

Predictably, however, liberal media provocateurs and thought-controllers (like the fellow traveler pictured below) have launched counter-measures. They are thinly veiling their prejudices behind the veil of “truth in media” and “graphic design / branding scholarship.” See more vainly veiled unveiling here. When it comes to logo manipulation who does it better? “You make me wanna get up and scream. . . You’ve got to be all mine, all mine, Foxy logo.”

fox news logo parody jon stewart
fox news logo parody
fox news logo parody
fox news logo parody jon stewart