1970s Backpacker Magazines Online

Posted inDesign Inspiration
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Back pack

Its been a tough winter here in New York City. We’ve had record snowfall and here at the beginning of March we’ve still got 20 degree temperatures. I just want to go camping on a hot summer day, by a lake, with a couple of friends and a rope swing. Damned if Google doesn’t find a way to make this more painful. Combining my need for camping, my celebration of ’70s camping style, my obsession with publication design and a love of great display typography, they’ve put most issues of Backpacker magazine online. Let the pain set in…

Back Pack
Family hiking in Britain
Scilence & Magic
Glacier Packing in Greenland
Hiking to the Shangri-la Valley Kalalau
Hiking to the Shangri-la Valley Kalalau
Hiking to the Shangri-la Valley Kalalau
History Hiking
Seashore Photography
The pick of the Packs
The pick of the tents
Explosions of the comsciousness
You're Taking....who?.... where?