Toy Story

Posted inThe Daily Heller
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I have an obsession for miniature figures (mannequins, busts, furniture). So, I’ve recently started a miniature collection of miniature famous people, including the vinyl characters from the “Little Giants” by Alphie Northcote collection produced by the Jailbreak.collective. Size matters

My favorites are: Mao – so cute, so small, such a large forehead; Darwin – his devolution is the fittest; Frida Khalo – her mini-mustache makes all the difference.

In the litt’l boxes in which these figures come are a few factoids. For Frida:

One of her favorite hobbies was boxing.

55 of her 143 paintings are self-portaits.

Frida’s work was greatly influenced by her infertility, the result of a terrible bus accident in which she was impailed on an iron handrail that pierced her uterus.

These are not kids toys, to be sure.