Weekend Heller: Stencil Type and Lettering

Posted inThe Daily Heller
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In Stencil Type, Louise Fili and I explore the variety and influence of the world’s most ubiquitous typographic style, which dates to prehistoric times and has been used on a range of surfaces from street signs, buildings and bridges to packaging and posters. Read more at AIGA here.

This expansive sourcebook presents hundreds of international examples of stencil typography from the late nineteenth through the twentieth centuries. The wonderful array of stencil types highlights surprising instances of artistry and ingenuity from a broad range of locations and objects—from military, traffic and transportation to home decoration, mass communication and street art. And the survey is global, drawing on design from America, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Great Britain and Eastern Europe.


The February 2015 issue of Print—Type Today—is out now.In this issue, Print tackles one of its readers’ most passionate topics: Typography. We take a deep dive into how type has evolved—where it has been in the past, major industry milestones and so on—and analyze current trends to decode where it’s going tomorrow. Print also looks at new artists who are taking it there by naming 9 Type Designers to Watch in 2015. Get a copy today.