Designers’ Desks: First in a Series

Posted inThe Daily Heller
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By: Steven Heller | October 1, 2009

A melange of filled and half-filled paint tubes and brushes

Introducing the first in an occasional series of designers’ tables, taborets, and desks. This belongs to Seymour Chwast. A melange of filled and half-filled paint tubes and brushes indicate that Chwast is no computer jockey. The table gives the illusion that Chwast works in a tightly cluttered area, but in fact the space is quite spacious.

So, what does a desk say about its owner? I’ll let you, the reader, draw your own conclusions. But in the digital age, it’s refreshing to see such a anarchic mess. Is your desk a model of bare-bones efficiency, artistic productivity, or somewhere in between?

A melange of filled and half-filled paint tubes and brushes
A melange of filled and half-filled paint tubes and brushes