Remember When?

Posted inThe Daily Heller
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By: Steven Heller | June 9, 2010

TWA plane

Announcing a new occasional feature: “Remember When?” Well, you may not remember this at all (I barely do). But from time to time we’ll look back at advertisements that promised a consumer utopia. Today it is airline travel. Remember when it was civilized? Remember when they served nourishing hot meals (even in coach)? Remember when you were allowed to walk up and down the aisles without being harassed by harassed flight attendants? Remember when baby-boomer kids ran up and down the aisles without being curtailed by their unresponsive parents? Remember when TWA (Pan Am and Eastern) was (were) still an airline that took pride in its (their) service? Alas. . .

(Extra: Follow the Tweets)

Tray with food
kids run down the aisle