The Daily Heller: The Chwast in Art

Posted inThe Daily Heller
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Wednesday is Seymour Chwast's 90th birthday. And this entire week The Daily Heller will celebrate this milestone by publishing various artifacts made for him and by him.

In 2013, Chwast’s perpetually fertile imagination was at full speed with “The Artists: Postcard Portraits of Nineteenth & Twentieth Century Masters,” a series of “imaginings” on what the maestros would look like wrapped in their own artistic brands. The images represent Chwast’s fluid mastery of style, form and content, and the suite is truly sweet. I wrote about it here.

Last week, I asked a few illustrator colleagues (Richard McGuire, R.O. Blechman, Anita Kunz, Naomi Otsu, Nigel Holmes, Marshall Arisman, Christoph Niemann and Olimpia Zagnoli) to give Seymour a taste of his own transformative wit. The results were interesting insofar as each could select any artist. Not one picked the same.

Brancusi's Sleeping Seymour and Brancusi's Sleeping Head by Richard McGuire

Seymour Magritte by R.O. Blechman
Hans Holbein's Seymour Chwast by Anita Kunz
Charles Schulz's Mimi and Seymour by Naomi Otsu
Alexander Calder's Seymour (Sans Pipe) by Nigel Holmes
Seymour's Aura by Marshall Arisman
Mondrian Chwast by Christoph Niemann
Georges Seurat's Sunday in the Park With Seymour by Olimpia Zagnoli