5 Facts About Mobile Web Design

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Have you designed an impressive mobile website or mobile app? Show it off to the world! Enter the 2014 Print Regional Design Annual by the May 30 deadline!


I’m no web design novice, but I’ve just started exploring responsive web design and other mobile web design strategies. I’m beginning to understand how quickly the world of web design is changing and how important it is to learn such skills in the current market.

Fortunately, this moment of enlightenment coincided with the arrival of the Fundamentals of Mobile Website Design Ultimate Collection. The collection is intended to teach designers how to design for the mobile web.

Perfectly tailored to a designer’s needs, it includes books, a video tutorial and an independent study course, all of which will help you learn the skills you need to create and optimize mobile app designs and mobile websites. Learn how to build responsive websites that will meet your users’ needs on any device.

The Fundamentals of Mobile Website Design Ultimate Collection is currently available for 68% off its original price at MyDesignShop.com! Get it here.

In the spirit of the mobile web boom, I’ve detailed a few facts you may not know about mobile web design.


photo from Shutterstock

5 Facts About Mobile Web Design

1. More than a quarter of all mobile phones in the world are smartphones. There are about 1 billion mobile phones in the world, and more than 1 billion of those are smartphones. That’s one billion people who may access your website via a smartphone. Target that audience by learning responsive web design and mobile web design skills. If you need some mobile web design inspiration, The Mobile Web Designer’s Idea Book by Patrick McNeil is an excellent resource. It’s also included in the Fundamentals of Mobile Website Design Ultimate Collection.

2. 85% of Americans are never more than 3 feet from their mobile phones. That proximity means people have easy access to the mobile web at any time.

3. The average American spends 2.7 hours on his or her mobile device every day. That’s twice as much time as the average person spends eating in a given day! Those people are spending their time on mobile apps and browsing the web. That’s plenty of time for your website or app to get exposure. Mobile users are far more likely to stay on your site if it’s optimized for their device, which means that learning mobile web design is a crucial skill!

4. Half of all local searches are performed on mobile devices. That means your competition is high. That means your site needs to be accessible anywhere and anytime. Mobile-optimized and responsive web designs have a let up on the competition because users won’t have to worry about zooming in and struggling with a site designed for desktop users. Learn how to draw in those users with Visual Execution of Branding Across Platforms, a video presentation and tutorial with Cameron Moll, which is included in the Fundamentals of Mobile Website Design Ultimate Collection.

5. More than half of all Internet users access the web via multiple devices. According to the Internet analytics company comScore, 53% of web users access the Internet using a combination of personal computers, tablet and smartphones. That means it’s not time to ditch your desktop-optimized design just yet. Allow your users to make the most of their experience on your site by learning how to build mobile websites that are both user-friendly and visually compelling.

Ready to jump in? Learn how to execute the latest in mobile web design trends to ensure you’re on top of the ever-changing landscape of website design with the Fundamentals of Mobile Website Design Ultimate Collection, now available for only $99—that’s 68% off the original price of $329. Get this collection today at MyDesignShop.com.