Introducing Monotype to Imprint

Posted inEditor's Picks

Because we always like to try new things here at Imprint (especially when it comes to type), we told our friends at Monotype we’d help test drive some of their fonts. Using a new Word Press plug-in and service called “ Web Fonts” by Monotype Imaging, we’re now offering our contributors four new Web safe type options to work with and will be introducing new ones periodically over the next couple of months. We’ll also be featuring guest posts by Monotype’s resident type expert, Allan Haley, who writes:

I’m delighted that the Imprint bloggers will be using some of our Web fonts. Our typefaces have proven themselves to be great communications tools in traditional environments over the years—now they have a chance to show their stuff as dynamically downloaded Web fonts.

So don’t be surprised to see some new faces around the site. And don’t be shy about telling us—or Allan—what you think! Here are the first batch of fonts that will be available:

Sans serif:

Trade Gothic Roman


Memphis Regular

Plantin Regular