It Was All As Ephemeral As A Rainbow

Posted inDesign Inspiration

By Faun Chapin, Head of Creative Development

Since this is Fahrenheit 212’s first post with Imprint, we thought we’d share two innovations that made more than just an impression.

They made us smile.

The first is a project from a series titled ‘Instruments of Mass Destruction.’ This complicated technical solution to aid in simple acts of vandalism reflects the collective personality of Fahrenheit 212 as being a place for visionaries, but with a sense of irreverence. This enchantingly complex solution to the simplest of urges is portrayed through captivating cinematography, romancing every detail of the innovation. What forced our grin even wider wasn’t the fact that this robotic contraption spray paints perfect spectrum rainbows on vertical surfaces, but the vandal’s quick getaway plan. The bike attached to it. We applaud those who think ahead.


robo-rainbow from mudlevel on Vimeo.

The Robo-Rainbow reminded us of a stunning piece of innovation from a few years back, The EyeWriter. While Robo-Rainbow successfully forced an extra large smile out of us, The EyeWriter along with that made us a bit misty-eyed. The yearning to create is what fuels innovation. And this profound piece of work is dedicated to man’s desire to create, even under the most restrictive of circumstances. For 50 bucks, a pair of glasses, a computer, a few pieces of DIY hardware, and some open source software, a man suffering from Lou Gehrig’s Disease, paralyzed to the point of only eye movement, is given back his ability to create. And consequentially, ‘vandalize’ the buildings of Downtown LA with his graffiti art. To be fair, the ‘vandalism’ only exists in an ephemeral form.

The EyeWriter

The Eyewriter from Evan Roth on Vimeo.

The EyeWriter project is an ongoing collaborative research effort to empower graffiti writers and artists suffering from ALS. A truly insightful innovation that captures eye movement and lets taggers express themselves in real time, on the only canvas they know of. Their beloved hometown. To know more about The EyeWriter, log on to

“It was all as ephemeral as a rainbow.” – Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse