Your Moment of Design Zen: The Book Covers of Counter-Print Books

Posted inBook Covers
Thumbnail for Your Moment of Design Zen: The Book Covers of Counter-Print Books

At this point, the death of print books has been a topic of conversation for, literally, decades. And so when Céline Leterme and Jon Dowling would travel to Leterme’s native Belgium and hunt for vintage books, it might have come as a pleasant surprise that people back home in London wanted to buy them.

So the duo took a bet and launched the online Counter-Print Books shop in 2008. They eventually quit their day jobs, began publishing a quarterly newspaper, and eventually launched their own book line. Meanwhile, talk of the death of print continues as the duo continues to grow their enterprise and sell book after book after book.

All told, their covers have always been a delight of design. So today, we’re starting the week off right by basking in a medley of them.

For much more—and to pick up one of their timeless tomes—head to Counter-Print.

Design: Counter-Print
Design: Counter-Print
Design: Jon Dowling and Céline Leterme
Design: Leterme Dowling
Design: Jon Dowling and Céline Leterme
Design: Jon Dowling and Céline Leterme
Design: Jon Dowling and Céline Leterme
Design: Counter-Print
Design: Counter-Print
Design: Sarah Boris
Design: BankerWessel
Design: Leterme Dowling
Design: Leterme Dowling