Bah Humbug

Posted inThe Daily Heller

By: Steven Heller | December 22, 2008

I love Xmas. I love A Christmas Carol. I even love the redemption of Ebenezer Scrooge, Scrooge McDuck (above), and the idea of redemption in general. But alas, on this, the day before Xmas Eve 2008, I offer a heartfelt bah humbug to all the greedy Scrooges and scoundrels in the world who helped bring about this year’s Dickensian economic crisis. From the Wall Street bankers to the bad credit mongers to the Bernie Madoffs and his ilk, to the politicians who saw it coming and did absolutely nothing–bah to you. The fine folk at Print have given me the next few days off for good behavior (there will be no Daily Heller until next Monday), but I sincerely hope that all those who have put the coal in too many shoes this year will serve their time at very hard labor. As Scrooge himself once said: Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses? Nonetheless, Happy Holidays!!!