A Book Jacket Tells the Future

Posted inThe Daily Heller
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Ladislav Sutnar and Thelma Hall were partners in the design firm Sutnar + Hall. Hall gave the Czech master his grounding as an artist/businessperson. Sutnar did not always give Hall the credit she deserved for running the studio in an efficient manner—certainly it was rare in the ’40s and ’50s for a woman to have design responsibilities. Yet occasionally her talents were recognized. In this instance in a somewhat ironic way, given the current political climate.

The title of this 1947 book, The Last Trump, about how the world lives with itself after dropping the first atomic bomb, is a funny coincidence (and wishful thinking for some), but the creative sharing is one reason Sutnar’s New York studio was able to flourish for as long as it did.

The Last Trump

Thanks to Kind Company.

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