AR Albums Used To Showcase SACEM Archives

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SACEM, or Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Éditeurs de Musique, is a French professional organization that collects payment and distributes the rights to musical works. Since the advent of television advertising, SACEM’s museum has been archiving commercials for five decades. To commemorate the 50th anniversary of this curation, the organization has commissioned Augmented Reality (AR) vinyl albums showcasing commercial work from the late 20th century through modern technology with a retro flair.

Illustration and graphic elements are clearly inspired by mid-to-late century aesthetic, animations compliment the music, and record packaging gets laid out in a format and layout familiar to those that like to drop needles onto wax. Each volume finds inspiration in the decade it represents, and covers include AR markers viewers can scan to interact with the record via their phones or tablets.

The AR vinyl is the resulting work of a master’s course at LISAA School of Art & Design, and the technology is powered by the Overly app. The use of augmented reality provides a more immersive way of experiencing TV jingles, both solo and within the advert, while also going beyond preservation to showcase the commercial music of decades past.