Body Hacking and other True Stories

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Rogers research group out of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, which also has a respected Art & Design school, just announced the first electronic tattoo that, which when printed onto the skin, can measure “skin hydration and temperature, and electric signals from muscle and brain activity.”According to, “Eventually, the goal is to produce sensors and simple computers that might aid with healthcare, or more generally with quantified health/body hacking (using technology to track your body’s state and performance throughout the day). You can easily imagine an electronic tattoo that keeps track of a surgical wound and alerts doctors if it doesn’t heal as expected.”

The technology sounds incredible, but how would one go about advertising it? Ideas? Before you get stuck, I’ve pulled some Medical Advertising Hall of Fame Award winners to inspire you. I’m saving the best for last.


Ok, this is my favorite (posted below) because it tells a story, not just of the drug, but of the attitudes at the time it was created AND it made it into the Medical Advertising Hall of Fame. Since advertising is about connecting and reaching buyers, this says a lot about what kind of persuasion worked at the time, although I don’t know the exact date of the ad, but it does have a generic version dating it back at least 10-15 years.
