Does This Ad Copy Sound Like a Joker Speech to You?

Posted inSVA Branding: 100 Days

100 Days is an annual project at New York City’s School of Visual Arts that was founded by Michael Bierut. Each year, the students of the school’s Master’s in Branding Program spend 100 days documenting their process with a chosen creative endeavor. This year, we’re showcasing each student in the program by providing a peek into ten days of their project. You can keep an eye on everyone’s work on our SVA 100 Days page.

Context is king. 

Whether watching a commercial or viewing a print ad, art and copy work together to craft an idealized picture of the brand on display. The best examples become a part of culture. Memorable. Quotable.

But what if you alter the backdrop? 

Howard Schiller explores what happens when you take what you think you know and pull it out of context. By blending popular advertising copy with a distinctive subculture— comics— Howard builds on his love of art and storytelling to reveal new meanings and perspectives. Merging copy seamlessly into the comic panels, he illuminates new narratives that are alternately poignant, hilarious, and flat-out bizarre. 

Howard is a Brand and Creative Strategist in the Philadelphia area who loves finding new solutions to old problems. Follow Howard’s 100-day project @comicomms on Instagram, and reach out to him at if you want to swap stories.